A walk with a view near Goring Heath
2.5 mile walk mainly through the woods with a spectacular view point across the Thames where we sat to enjoy our elevenses. There was some fascinating archaeological excavation going on in the woodland. Hopefully there will be more of it to see next time we go that way
Mainly dirt paths. Pretty hilly. There are more paths on the ground than on the map so the route can be a bit tricky to follow. On the first part of the walk follow the Chiltern Way signs, then turn right along the track at the bottom of the hill. For the last part of the walk look out for yellow footpath signs and painted white arrows on trees to find the main paths.
Parking: In roadside layby in Reading Road, Collins End, opposite a house called King Charles Head, coordinates 51.504675, -1.044737
Walked with Tony 16/04/2021
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